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The Settlers HD APK

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The Settlers HD – this is a historical strategy that will make you feel like a creator. The plot of the game is built on a historical basis, showing what the life of the conquerors of new lands was like. The player finds himself on an abandoned island and is invited to create his own civilization, using all the possibilities of the new earth. For successful development, it is necessary to acquire new skills and specialties. But the most important thing in the game is not the construction of the city, but its protection. Yes, you are not alone on the island and the evil Vikings can attack at any moment and destroy everything that was created so hard. So be patient to give an equivalent rebuff to the evil conquerors.

App NameThe Settlers HD
Latest Versionv1.0.3
OS VersionAndroid 4.0+
3.70/5 (10 votes)
Download The Settlers HD APK free for Android
v1.0.3 Original + cache

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