Isle Of Spirits

Isle Of Spirits APK v1.0.2 Download free for Android

Update request
Date 28.09.2020
App Name Isle Of Spirits
Latest Version v1.0.2
Genre Simulation
Developer SilverBulletGames
OS Version Android 4.3+
Package name com.SilverBulletGames.IsleOfSpirits
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Isle Of Spirits – this is a leisurely casual game where your hero must survive alone on a deserted island. Locations are created every time randomly, appearing on the shore of the island, start exploring the area to find materials from which you will create tools and other items. Discover an amazing world consisting of blocks, you will have to adapt to it if you want the hero to survive. This place is not so quiet, when night falls, ghosts appear out of the darkness, and there are also supernatural phenomena and dangerous natural disasters, for example, a character can easily be lifted into the air by a huge tornado. It is necessary to take care of the home, build not only the house itself, but also furnish it with furniture and other things to wait out the dangerous time of day. You will also be farming, growing vegetables in the garden beds, creating useful things that will help you survive, and more. The game Isle Of Spirits will not explain what and how to do, but you will quickly learn the rules of life on the island, because if the character dies, he will not be reborn again and you will have nothing left but to start a new adventure and this time you will be more well prepared.

How to install Isle Of Spirits

This application has a new build format, so you need to install it through SAI (Split APKs Installer). Detailed installation instructions are in the application.

Download Isle Of Spirits APK
v1.0.2 Original

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