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Bendy and the Ink Machine APK

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Bendy and the Ink Machine — horror adventure in first person, the story unfolds around a man named Henry who in the distant 19030 years was an outstanding Creator of a unique animated films. And now, after an impressive period of his life, our hero receives an invitation to his home Studio, and then around it start to happen mysterious things and events. Such developments, both in the past and in the future give the gameplay originality and originality, and excellent stylized graphics perfectly conveys the conceived atmosphere.

UpdatedJune 9, 2024
App NameBendy and the Ink Machine
Latest Versionv1.0.840
DeveloperJoey Drew Studios
OS VersionAndroid 6.0+
Package namecom.jds.batim
Get it OnGoogle Play
4.33/5 (231 votes)
Download Bendy and the Ink Machine APK free for Android
v1.0.840 Full

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v1.0.829 Original

How to install:

1. Download APK file and cache.
2. Allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings (done once)
3. Run the installation using the file Manager (usually the downloaded files are placed in the Download folder)
4. Copy the cache folder from the downloaded archive to the SD/Android/obb/ directory on your phone using the file Manager. The result will be SD/Android/obb/cache_folder/file *obb
5. Run the application

Download Bendy and the Ink Machine APK v1.0.829
55.94 Mb
Download Bendy and the Ink Machine OBB/Cache v1.0.829
432.19 Mb

Voices: 1839

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v1.0.772 Original

How to install

1. Download APK file and cache.
2. Allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings (done once)
3. Run the installation using the file Manager (usually the downloaded files are placed in the Download folder)
4. Copy the cache folder from the downloaded archive to the SD/Android/obb/ directory on your phone using the file Manager. The result will be SD/Android/obb/cache_folder/file *obb
5. Run the application

Download Bendy and the Ink Machine APK v1.0.772
67.96 Mb
Download Bendy and the Ink Machine OBB/Cache v1.0.772
454.24 Mb

Voices: 153

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