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Where Winds Meet APK


Where Winds Meet is an action RPG set in the open world of 10th-century Ancient China during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. Players assume the role of a young swordsman exploring a war-torn land, mastering Eastern martial arts and various combat styles, including polearms, longswords, dual blades, sabers, and fans. They will learn legendary techniques such as “Acupuncture Strike,” “Lion’s Roar,” “Merciful Harvest,” and “Tai Chi,” while employing stealth for silent infiltrations and quiet assassinations. The developers promise an authentic and immersive atmosphere that captures the essence of Ancient China, showcasing its nature, culture, and traditions. Players will also experience the impact of climate on the protagonist’s health and the real consequences of their choices throughout the game.

App NameWhere Winds Meet
Latest Versionv1.0
OS VersionAndroid 5.0
3.74/5 (46 votes)
Where Winds Meet
Where Winds Meet
Where Winds Meet
Where Winds Meet
Download Where Winds Meet APK free for Android
v1.0 Original

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is this offline?

Online or offline

I need that id confermation please

I wish there was a global version for this game
The graphics are mesmerising…


但通过这个网站,我们有机会获得游戏的 mod 版本,因此我们不需要支付任何费用(希望如此)

Mejor descargarlo de la app store de tencent
Y si tienes una cuenta web chat
Puedes iniciar seción sin mucho rodeo

Aquí sólo pierdes internet y tiempo
