GTA: Vice City – Definitive

GTA: Vice City – Definitive APK

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On this page you can find all old versions of the GTA: Vice City – Definitive APK for Android. All versions are free to download.
All versions GTA: Vice City – Definitive
v1.90.48899882 Full with OBB (Netflix version)

APKS installation via ZArchiver, XAPKS Installer or SAI (Split APKs Installer).

Note: This is the Netflix version, which works more stably, we recommend downloading it!

At startup a black screen will appear, you need to wait.

– This Netflix version of the game
– Built-in OBB/cache in APKS file
– Hacked DRM protection.


Voices: 4230

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v1.83.44255649 Full - Rockstar version + MOD 60 FPS

– Cache embedded. The first launch of the game may take up to 10 minutes.
– Works offline
– Added advanced graphics settings as on PC;
– Android 5.0+

Netflix version – GTA: Vice City – NETFLIX


Voices: 3137

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v1.72-60fps Full - Rockstar version - MOD 60 FPS

– Cache embedded
– Works offline
– Android 5.0+


Voices: 3572

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v1.72 Full with OBB (Netflix version) - Recommended

Note: This is the Netflix version, which works more stably, we recommend downloading it!

Disconnect the internet after before you run the game for the first time!

If you have the Netflix app installed, you need to uninstall it. Otherwise, you will not be able to install the game.

At startup a black screen will appear, you need to wait.

– This Netflix version of the game
– Built-in OBB/cache in APK file
– Hacked DRM protection.


Voices: 3530

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v1.72.42919648 Full - Chinese version

The version from Rockstar Games. The cache is downloaded from Chinese servers, use a VPN.  Recommend

When starting the game, click on the green button to start loading the cache.

Fixed crashes after saving missions or during their passage.


Voices: 1075

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